Gallery Representation


Hola! Un placer que estés aquí…

Con todo por aprender entorno a exponer mi obra y ofrecer mi frecuencia artística abiertamente, busco a un curador, galerista o representante artístico que me acompañe en el camino.

Inicio mi trayectoria como artista visual a partir de una elección consciente, coherente con mi Ser y propósito en este mundo. Tengo muy clara mi razón de creación y estoy disfrutando de mis exploraciones artísticas basadas en + de 30 años de  desarrollo personal.

Sin embargo, iniciarme en el mercado del arte con 50 años trae junto a la claridad y experiencia, la observación neutral de necesitar un camino alternativo al desarrollo académico tradicional.

Por favor ten en cuenta que no sólo busco apoyo para promocionar y comercializar mi obra. Sino a alguien experimentado, familiarizado y conectado al ambiente artístico,  capaz de presentarme, acordar colaboraciones o licencias, organizar eventos y orientar estratégicamente el desarrollo de mi producción artística a medio y largo plazo. Todo lo cual acordaríamos por escrito.

Mi objetivo es crear un entorno económico saludable y estable que me permita enfocarme en Ser y crear. Relacionándonos en base a la sinceridad y generosidad mutuas.

Si resuenas, te dedicas a esto y sientes que podríamos beneficiarnos mutuamente, no dudes en contactarme!

Hello! Happy that you are here…

With everything to learn about exhibiting my work and openly offering my artistic frequency, I am looking for a curator, gallery owner or representative to accompany me along the way.

I began my career as a visual artist from a conscious choice, consistent with my being and purpose in this world. I am very clear about my reason to create art and I am enjoying my artistic explorations based on more than 30 years of personal development.

However, starting in the art industry at 50-years-young brings, along with clarity and experience, the neutral observation of needing an alternative path to traditional academic development.

Please keep in mind that I am not only looking for support for artistic promotion and marketing. But someone experienced, familiar and connected with the artistic environment, able to introduce me, close agreements on collaborations or licensing work, organize events and strategically guide the development of my artistic production in the medium and long term. All of which we would agree on writing.

My goal is to create a healthy and stable economical environment in which I can focus on being & making art. Finding a relationship based on mutual sincerity and generosity.

If you resonate, you are dedicated to this, and you feel like we could be a win-win team, don’t hesitate to contact me!

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